7 Chakra are the First thing to know if you are curious about Energy Healing and How it works.
This course is Designed to clear concept of Energy Healing and Meditations are given to Heal your chakra at the same time to Balance your Body & Mind.
7 chakra healing course will become base of your knowledge in the field of energy healing if you wish to Learn any Healing Modality.
This will Give :
7 Chakra are main Major Energy centers in the Human Body and they are connected with Different areas of life.
7 chakra healing is Designed to give Detailed Understanding of Spiritual Healing. How Chakra is connected in the life, Health , Emotions and Physical realities.
Chakra Science is base of All spiritual Healing modalities and Spiritual science. and can be your first bas if you are making career in Spiritual Healing modalities.
Chakra can be healed with Mantra , Color, Music Frequency, Meditation, Affirmation, Crystals, and Natural Healing ways are also there. and we have tried to give basic understanding of all of that in the course.
6 months ago
superb........ energetic
6 months ago
very super thankyou
1 year ago
1 year ago
excellent,course hai,thank you very much mem.
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