Power Mastery

A breakthrough workshop that will transform everything - from your finances, to your relationships, to your health and its now within your reach. This workshop will create change and even install it automatically.
Hindi Certificate Course

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10 Modules • 49 Lectures
Total Length : 12:24:29

Last Updated : 16 Sep 2022 12:01 AM | Created by : Mahendra Devlekar

Course outcome

  • Discover how to break from the conscious and unconscious fears
  • 3 simple steps to changing anything in your life faster and permanently
  • Develop a clear target of what you want in your life and why in your career, your body, your finances, and your relationships
  • Practical strategies, templates, and examples to influence and maximize your effectiveness as a partner, business person, and leader
  • Powerfully process that can predict exactly where you want to be, and learn how to close the gap
  • Learn how to dramatically increase your energy and discover psychological strategies to strengthen your immune system that you deserve


10 Modules • 49 Lectures • Total Length : 12:24:29

This course Includes

  • Duration : 12:24:29
  • 1 articles
  • Certificate of Completion

Advice from trainer

Keep an open mind and Stay Active and Enthusiastic.


I know you are hungry for something, and you won’t settle for less. You won’t settle for less than the life you desire and deserve, and the power to be everything that you can be. Yet, the world around you isn’t getting any easier, more peaceful or less challenging.

But you can’t make that change until you really know what’s influencing and driving you. Your beliefs, needs and emotional patterns are invisible forces that determine how you live your life every day. The good news is that... those pattern scan be changed!

You can become much stronger, more resourceful, and more powerful.

By being a part of this workshop, you can change everything. Get the competitive edge. The will to win. The drive to overcome any obstacle. Whatever you call it, winners find a way. Find yours now at Power Mastery: Unleash the Power Within.

Student Feedback

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Mahendra Devlekar

0 Reviews


1 Courses

$ 14.40

( + GST )

$ 139.00

    This course includes

  • Duration: 12:24:29
  • 1 docs
  • Certificate of Completion
Code Applied : Globel10