This course will help you to nurture the relationship wherever you want.
Please complete this course in sequence and do the homework sincerely. Repeat this course multiple times and as you proceed please start using this knowledge in your day to day life. Makes some notes for your reference.
We all are working and striving to be Happy but in reality we see that most of the people are unhappy. We as a country is ranking 144th out of 156 countries surveyed by United Nations. Our Happiness depends more on quality of relationship with the people living with us or working with us. Here I have explained about how can we improve or nurture our relationship all around. I explained this subject by using a metaphor of Relationship Bank Account to make it more easy and enjoyable. I am very sure that you will enjoy it as well as start using it from day one.
5 months ago
wonderful , good insight on interpersonal skill one must learn to establish good relationship
9 months ago
Excellent , very Informative for maintaining IPR among relationships to live a healthy , cheerful and fruit full life span.
5/5 👍
1 year ago
amazing session, Mene Pehle Aisa Course kabhi nahi dekha. bahut hi accha laga relationship kese rakhna hai ye video dekhke 🙏
1 year ago
Excellent. I will obey.
આંતર માનવીય સંબંધો એ આપણા સુખ અને શાંતિ માટે સહુથી જરૂરી છે આમ છત્તા પણ લોકો એની અવગણના કરે છે અને પછી દુઃખ ભરી કહાની શરુ થાય છે. આ સંબંધોને કેવી રીતે સાંચવવ...
It is based on my book, "Logo ke man Jitne Ki kala"