Chakra Balancing Workshop

We have Physical Body and Energy Body. Physical Body can be seen but Energy Body is invisible. Energy Body consist of Nadis, Chakras and Aura. This energy Body affects the quality of our Life.
Hindi Beginner Sequential Course Certificate Course

4.6 (28)

1 Modules • 14 Lectures
Total Length : 01:44:10

Last Updated : 29 Mar 2024 08:01 AM | Created by : Dr. Jitendra Adhia
Chakra Balancing Workshop by Dr. Jitendra Adhia

Course outcome

To create awareness about our Ancient Wisdom and help people to better their Life with this knowledge.

This course Includes

  • Duration : 01:44:10
  • Certificate of Completion

Advice from trainer

Please watch this video regularly and repeatedly.


We have Physical Body and Energy Body. Physical Body can be seen but Energy Body is invisible. Energy Body consist of Nadis, Chakras and Aura. This energy Body affects the quality of our Life. nadis are energy pathways. We have 3 major nadis, Ida, Pingala and Sushumna. Sushumna travels strait in our Spinal Cord from down to earth. While Ida and Pingala Nadis travel from down to up in spiral way in opposite directions in our Spinal cord. Each junction of these 3 nadis are known as Chakra. We have 7 major Chakras. They are from down to up, Muladhar (Root Chakra) Chakra , Swadhisthan (Sacra Chakra) Chakra, Manipur (Solar Plexus) Chakra, Anahad (Heart Chakra) Chakra, Visudhdhi (Throat Chakra) Chakra, Ajna (Third Eye) Chakra and Sahashra (Crown Chakra) Chakra. All these Chakra have definite Locations, Endocrine glands, Body Parts, Colors, Symbols, Musical Note, Raga, Asanas, Mudras, Planet, and Godess attached to them. You will all these in detail in this course.

Student Feedback

4.6 Course Rating


Rc Desai

4 days ago

very good course but daily practice ke liye print browser ho to jyada comfort ho Sakta he

Harshvardhan Rathod

6 days ago

if more details add in this videos regarding CHAKRAS, everyone could know about it very well that can he change his life and progress inl life..♥️


2 weeks ago

really very helpful and needful information. Thank you very much

Nikunj Gevaria

3 weeks ago

Good Experience,
Kindly upload high sound video. In 2nd chakra there is no mention image of excercise. Kindly provide all details of all chakra in one pdf/image. So we can remember easily and do practice every day.


Dr. Jitendra Adhia

Dr. Jitendra Adhia

467 Reviews


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    This course includes

  • Duration: 01:44:10
  • Certificate of Completion
Code Applied : Globel10