Transactional Analysis - Gujarati

It is all about knowing the origin of our behaviour, its pattern how to handle it.
Gujarati Certificate Course

4.8 (9)

1 Modules • 13 Lectures
Total Length : 01:42:33

Last Updated : 20 Dec 2023 04:48 AM | Created by : Dr. Jitendra Adhia
Transactional Analysis - Gujarati by Dr. Jitendra Adhia

Course outcome

  1. What is transactions?
  2. Types of Transactions.
  3. Strokes
  4. Life Positions
  5. Ego States
  6. Life Scripts
  7. Psychological Games

This course Includes

  • Duration : 01:42:33
  • 7 articles
  • Certificate of Completion

Advice from trainer

Anyone who is determined to achieve positive health, abundant wealth and excellent relationship.


અત્યારે સમાજમાં જો કોઈ સળગતી સમશ્યા હોય તો તે સંબંધોની છે. દીકરો બાપને ઘરેથી કાઢી મૂકે છે. બાપ દીકરાને ઘરેથી કાઢી મૂકે છે. છુટાછેડાનું પ્રમાણ આપણા સમાજમાં વધતું જ જાય છે. સાસુ-વહુના ઝઘડા તો ઘર-ઘરની કહાની છે. આ બધા નો કોઈ ઉપાય હોય તો તે છે આ વિષયની ઊંડી સમજ.

Student Feedback

4.8 Course Rating



1 month ago


Mohit tank

1 year ago


Chetankumar Sindhi

1 year ago

Thank you for the wonderful course. After attending this workshop I feel, everyone should learn TA. This should be taught to undergraduate or post graduate students. It would have been better if a quick hint or a short lesson on how to change the script could have been added to the course.

Chetankumar Sindhi

1 year ago

Thank you for the wonderful course. After attending this workshop I feel, everyone should learn TA. This should be taught to undergraduate or post graduate students. It would have been better if a quick hint or a short lesson on how to change the script could have been added to the course.


Dr. Jitendra Adhia

Dr. Jitendra Adhia

549 Reviews


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    This course includes

  • Duration: 01:42:33
  • 7 docs
  • Certificate of Completion
Code Applied : Globel10