Business Multiplier Plus

In the sequel to Business Multiplier, T.I.G.E.R. Santosh Nair introduces the 7 Rules for Scaling Up your business, people, reputation, and brainpower, leading to breakthrough transformational growth.
Hindi Intermediate Certificate Course

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12 Modules • 35 Lectures
Total Length : 05:36:00

Last Updated : 19 Oct 2024 04:50 AM | Created by : Santosh Nair
Business Multiplier Plus by Santosh Nair

Course outcome

How to scale up four key areas of your business:

  1. Business
  2. People
  3. Reputation
  4. Brainpower

7 Rules for Scaling Up:

  1. Maximize Sales
  2. Change your Business Model
  3. Have Many Mothers (Diverse Revenue Streams)
  4. Create a Great Place to Work
  5. Build Your Standing and Reputation
  6. Have a Coach or Consultant
  7. Establish a Board of Advisors


12 Modules • 35 Lectures • Total Length : 05:36:00
Business Multiplier 1 Lectures • 00:05:35

This course Includes

  • Duration : 05:36:00
  • Certificate of Completion

Advice from trainer

"To scale up your organization, you must work on 4 critical areas: your business, your people, your reputation, and your brainpower. Master these 7 rules, and breakthrough growth will follow."


Business Multiplier + is the powerful sequel to Business Multiplier, where T.I.G.E.R. Santosh Nair takes entrepreneurs on a journey to scaling up their organizations. If Business Multiplier introduced the rules for breakthrough transformational growth, this sequel focuses on the critical Rules to Scale Up.

Mr. Nair explains that for entrepreneurs to scale their businesses to new heights, they need to focus on four essential areas:

  1. Scaling up their Business – Maximizing sales and revenue streams.
  2. Scaling up their People – Developing and nurturing talent.
  3. Scaling up their Organization’s Reputation – Building a strong, trustworthy brand.
  4. Scaling up their Organization’s Brainpower – Enhancing strategic thinking and innovation.

To achieve success in these areas, Mr. Nair introduces 7 key rules:

  1. Maximize Sales – Ensure your business consistently generates more revenue.
  2. Change Your Business Model – Innovate and adapt your model to keep up with market trends.
  3. Have Many Mothers – Diversify revenue sources to ensure stability and growth.
  4. Create a Great Place to Work – Foster a positive, productive work environment that attracts and retains top talent.
  5. Build Your Standing/Name/Character/Status – Strengthen your organization’s reputation and industry standing.
  6. Have a Coach or Consultant – Seek guidance from an expert who can provide valuable insights and mentorship.
  7. Establish a Board of Advisors – Form a strong board to guide decision-making and ensure accountability.

These rules, according to Mr. Nair, are essential for entrepreneurs who want to scale up their organizations successfully. By implementing these principles, entrepreneurs can ensure that their business continues to grow, both in size and influence, while maintaining strong leadership and innovation.

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Santosh Nair

Santosh Nair

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    This course includes

  • Duration: 05:36:00
  • Certificate of Completion
Code Applied : Globel10