Prerna Da Jharna ਪ੍ਰੇਰਨਾ ਦਾ ਝਰਨਾ

Objective is to create awareness about the tremendous mind power lying in each of us and teach you how to harness the Power of Subconscious Mind to get what you want in life, including health, Wealth and Happiness.
Punjabi Beginner Sequential Course Certificate Course

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17 Modules • 32 Lectures
Total Length : 02:56:13

Last Updated : 16 Sep 2022 12:01 AM | Created by : Neha Singh
Prerna Da Jharna ਪ੍ਰੇਰਨਾ ਦਾ ਝਰਨਾ by Neha Singh

Course outcome

यह कोर्स आपके मन की शक्ति के बारे में है। हमारे पास दो मन होते हैं, जागृत मन और अर्ध-जागृत मन। जागृत मन के पास 10% शक्ति होती हे और अर्ध-जागृत मन के पास 90% शक्ति। आपको अर्ध-जागृत मन की शक्ति का कैसे उपयोग करना है, यह कोर्स आपको सिखाएगा।


17 Modules • 32 Lectures • Total Length : 02:56:13
How to learn the course? 1 Lectures • 00:00:00

This course Includes

  • Duration : 02:56:13
  • 4 articles
  • Certificate of Completion

Advice from trainer

Stay calm and relax before starting the course.

There should be no distractions while watching the course just like class- room training.

Keep a pen and paper with you and create notes of all the points in each video.

Sit straight, back straight and shoulder straight, learning happens faster.

Watch in continuation and as many times as you start using your mind power.

Watch in the first half of the day preferably because our learning abilities are more active.

Start with a positive and optimistic mindset.


Objective is to create awareness about the tremendous mind power lying in each of us and teach you how to harness the Power of Subconscious Mind to get what you want in life, including health, Wealth and Happiness.

इस कोर्स का उद्देश्य है कि आप आपके अंदर विद्यमान अपके मन की शक्ति को जानें, पहचानें व उसका उपयोग कर अपने जीवन में सुख, समृद्धि और शांति का अनुभव करें। 

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Neha Singh Winners always find reasons to succeed and losers have excuses to fail!

Neha Singh

Winners always find reasons to succeed and losers have excuses to fail!

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    This course includes

  • Duration: 02:56:13
  • 4 docs
  • Certificate of Completion
Code Applied : Globel10